Gazing out of the glass on the 146th floor of the world’s tallest tower in Dubai, the Burj Khalifa, I had a reasonably clear panoramic view of the rapidly growing city with only remnants of the morning fog visible.
“While return on investment remains a key driver of all investment decisions, we have noticed a dramatic shift in focus away from yields and more towards the safety and sustainability of revenue streams. As such, it is only natural for investment sentiment to have shifted towards the more risk-averse side, and our investors are counting on us to advise and counsel them through these changes,” adds Dabbagh.
AIX Investment Group, which was set up in Europe 13 years ago, has generated passive income for its clients ranging from 14 per cent to 40 per cent per annum. “A core part of our strength as a business stems from the ‘financial transparency’ model we have built our operations on. The general principle is that the architecture of an operating model should be easy to understand, monitor and analyse. This must hold true for all stakeholders – and this is embedded within the core of our operating philosophy,” states Dabbagh.
Having a model that works is key in the region to retain and gain new clients. According to the EY survey, wealth management clients in the Middle East are equally likely to switch wealth asset management providers for any one of six reasons: Quality and reputation, products, advisory capabilities, personal attention, pricing, or technology.
Read more in the March issue of Gulf Business: https://gulfbusiness.com/cover-story-the-key-regional-investment-trends-focusing-on-the-wealth-of-the-future/
E-Magazine: https://issuu.com/motivatepublishing/docs/gb_mar2021-magzter?fr=sNTc0NDMxODU4OTA